I recently read an article in the local newspaper that said that laughing can actually making you happier and possibly even healthier. Therefore, I have been thinking of ways I can start laughing more often. I know, however, that a fake laugh does not qualify as actual laughing; and that is the main reason why I have been searching for ways I can really laugh more.

To break down the process of finding things to laugh about, I came to the conclusion that for me to laugh I have to see or hear something that is funny. So, I decided to start reading the funny cartoons that are included in the newspaper everyday.

I used to read the funny cartoons and funny jokes in the newspaper everyday, but for some odd reason I stopped looking at the funny pictures and funny cartoons in the newspaper more than three years ago. However, because I get the newspaper every morning and because the newspaper has the funny cartoons everyday, I decided to read the funny jokes they have in the newspaper every morning before I go to work.

I think that by starting off my day by reading the funny cartoons in the newspaper, I will be starting my day with a few laughs.

Funny Cartoon Articles & Resources:

Funny Cartoons - Funny Jokes.

Really Funny Cartoon - Though this was really funny.

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